Context extensions

Following list contains list of contexts supporting context extensions.


Core Joomla! modules component.

Supported context extensions are:


module type - fields for module of specific type.

File for such fields will be, for example, com_modules/module/mod_custom.xml for Joomla! core Custom content module.

Core Joomla! menu component.

Supported context extensions are:


option - fields for menu item of specific component.

File for such fields will be, for example, com_menu/item/com_wrapper.xml for menu item pointing Joomla! core Wrapper component.

Custom fields

Core Joomla! custom fields component.

Supported context extensions are:


context - fields for custom fields of specific component context.

File for such fields will be, for example, com_menu/field/com_content/article.xml for custom fields for content articles.